Friday, December 27, 2013

Silvers are a peeking!!

Thought I would drop in real quick and leave a pic of my peeking silvery hairs. My line of demarcation is small but I do see the beginning of my skunk line!!!

A link to my little silvers !!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Coconut Oil to Naturally Condition Your Hair

I hope everyone had a great holiday yesterday. Ours was SLOW and peaceful and you couldn't ask for  better than that on a holiday.  I received a gift card from my DH from a local spa Verbena Day Spa and I am super excited to get a few facials next year!!

I am sitting here writing this post with a hair full of coconut oil, a little lavender essential oil, a hotel shower cap and a ball cap to keep warmth. This combination is a great way to naturally condition your hair. I added a little lavender essential oil to help with growth. I am getting impatient with my silvers not coming in fast enough.  :)

Here is a great link Bonzai Aphrodite to get some wonderful tips and recipes on the coconut oil concoction. Browse her blog she has some wonderful insight.

You do not have to put alot of coconut oil on your hair to get the benefit a few tablespoons will do and the oil will harden after you make it. All you have to do is rub it between your hands and it melts super fast and then run your hands through your hair. Easy Peasy! I haven't had a problem with the oil washing out of my hair and it is super soft after the treatment.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Wig and Book Review, Pixie Cut (BIG CHOP)

All of our snow melted and it looks like we will not have a white Christmas! (sad)

I received my wig - Rave Wig over the weekend. It is ok as wigs go. I believe I will have to take it to my hair stylist and have it trimmed a bit. The bangs are way to long. BUT the color of the wig is perfect for my skin tone right now. SOO, I think it will work to help me in the days that my skunk stripe is to overwhelming.

I have completed some research of when I should go for the BIG CHOP (pixie cut). It seems the consensus is that you should wait until you have approximate 3 inches of your natural growth before you take the pixie plunge. My silvers have just started to peek out and I think it may be quite a few months before I have to go the pixie route. I hope to get the pixie by my birthday at the end of March. My dearest husband (DH from now on in this blog) and I are making a trip to Florida for a week mid-April to visit his parents. I hope to not have to deal with a HUGE skunk stripe during that time period. BUT I can pull out the wig. HAHA..

I have received the book  Going Great, Looking Great - I haven't read it completely but it does give you many topics to think about once going grey. Items to think about aging skin and how to keep it healthy, make-up tips, wardrobe tips and there are many color pictures of women with grey hair makeovers. The book does show you many colors of grey. It is amazing all the different shades. I am so looking forward to my grey pattern.

As I have noted before my silvers are just starting to peek out my last hair dye was November 18 so I am 1 month into my of transition. I have not decided when I may try to fade my current hair dye but I think it will be later once I see a more defined line of demarcation.

Have a joyous next two days in however (or if) you celebrate Christmas!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

More Snow!

Another day of snow! It is coming down nice and soft.  So I decided Fletcher and I need to get out and enjoy the peaceful snow. I put him in his cute coat -

doesn't he look dapper!!  So out we went for a short walk. It was so relaxing to watch the snow fall and hearing the crunch under our feet/paws!

I tried to take a photo of my peeking silvery grays but right now they are doing just that -  peeking that does not translate via a photo.

Enjoy the day!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Yes Wig or No Wig ?!

I mulled it over and yes, I have decided to use a wig during my transition to my natural hair color. I will wear it at work and when I don't want to work with the color marker that I mentioned before in my first post. Roux Tween Time

At least it may help with easing into seeing my silvers. I really am not seeing too many right now, but I am getting ready for when they come in full force. I believe that the skunk stripe will be hard for me to look at and get use to. I decided to go with a synthetic wig from Rachel Welch's wig line. The style I chose is called Rave and the color is Medium Brown with Ginger Red Highlights with Dark Brown Roots (SS8/29) Rave by Raquel Welch . It was on sale for the holidays with 30% off. I was going to go for  a more expensive heat resistant synthetic wig, but I thought I would give this one a go first. I can always return it as long as leave the hygiene guard in place along with the tags. So, WHY NOT! Plus, I don't expect to have to wear it for to many months since I am going to do the CHOP!!

I believe my goal will be to go with a pixie like Jamie Lee Curtis. Short like this at the beginning -

Then maybe settle with this -

I guess you could say that Jamie Lee Curtis is my grey hair icon. I love her hair and the hair color.

I am so excited to see what my actual hair color is and my greying pattern. If it is horrible I can always go back to coloring. BUT it would have to be really bad to go back to the expense of coloring and the chemicals again.

Only time will tell!!!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

SNOW day! Yippee!

Today is a great day!! It snowed and I didn't have to go to work. How awesome is that? I took Fletcher for a walk in the snow and he had loads of fun. He wanted to only walk in the deep parts. Such a silly dog.

I have finally posted to the Silver Sisters Cafe Grey, the moderator for the site is the author of Going Grey, Looking Great book here is the link - The ladies their are a wealth of information and inspiration. Take a peek!

I have been obsessed with my greys since I have decided to make the transition (only last week haha). I cancelled my color appointment for December 18 and I am finally noticing a peek of silvers. I am so excited. Is that weird? I can't wait for this transition to grey.. or is it gray?

Monday, December 9, 2013

The Journey Has Begun To Natural Hair Color

I am 47 and soon to turn 48. I have toyed with the idea many times to go back to my natural color which is? I don't know!!.  When I was younger they use to call it dishwater blonde/brown. So I suppose it is that color?  haha..

Last week I was thinking about life and what kind of changes I would like to continue to make. As I age my mortality keeps slapping me in the face. I love the outdoors, exercise, clean eating and just plain living. I want the rest of my life to be simple, fun and uncomplicated as possible. I want to live life and keep experiencing it to the fullest. So the decision to transition to grey has started.

I have been growing tired of the continuous hair coloring appointments and each time I seem to get it  colored I have felt the burning scalp, the itchy scalp for days after, the classic migraine from the chemical smell and really not satisfied with the color. Plus, I have had the hairdresser mistakes and have come outta the chair looking too blonde, too brown, too red, the brassy overtones after shampooing. PLUS it cost $125-150.00 for basic hair color and cut. If you add highlights and lowlights then you aren't leaving without at least $200 - 210.00 spent for HAIR. Ouch on the budget. I want to spend that money on ME in a more FUN way. This is my hair color at the beginning of November, my last hair color was November 13. I had a hair color appointment set up for December 18 but I cancelled it last week when I made my decision to transition to grey. This is my cute, sweet dog Fletcher while we were visiting a cabin in Luray, VA with friends. Both of us are sporting the about the same hair color tones!

I am trying to dispose of chemicals that I consume and put on my body. I organic garden, compost, recycle and reuse, make my own soap,  candles and try to purchase items that are good for the environment and my body.

SO why not let my hair go back to its natural color?! Right?

I first started with asking people at work, what do you think about my going grey? A few yes, a few are you kidding don't do it. It was nice to hear the views but I had already made up my mind. I was just planting the seed. :o) I didn't really ASK my dearest husband (DH) I told him, "I am going to let my hair go grey}. He had a look of "Hmm, OK, she is too vain and worried about being OLD that she won't go through with it." Here is a picture of my husband and I in November. Look he has a beard full of grey and is greying at the temples and he is 6 years younger than me! He is embracing his grey, and I am going to do the same...........

Then my research began on how to do my transition to grey hair. There are alot of websites, YouTube videos, and books on the subject. It is like anything you do - YOU have to decide what is best for your style, budget and life and GO for IT!

I have purchased the "Going Grey Looking Great" book in which I haven't received yet, but will do a review once I receive it. Here is the website - . I have also joined a community of Silver Sisters at . I have been lurking in that community and have not yet introduced myself. It has ALOT of different subject areas to read about and read other about other peoples journey to their transition to grey. I purchased a color stick to help with my "skunk stripe" which I have learned that is what it is called when you have that line of grey hair on the top of your head. This is what I purchased - I will also do a review when I receive and use this product. I believe these 2 products and I am sure a few more will ease my transition to my natural hair color.

I am looking forward to this Journey to Grey or Is it Gray?