Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Slow Progress .... BUT Progress None-the-Less

Another snow day here in West Virginia..... We received about 10 inches of snow yesterday. It was so peaceful.... Fletcher of course LOVEs the snow.....

We had a great time playing and jumping around!

I am now a little over 2 months dye free. I have noticed more silvers peeking and more of a natural color. I am still at a loss on what the actual greying pattern and true natural color. BUT I am super excited and attempting patience.

I am still going to do a BIG chop at the end of March. I hope to have a few more inches of growth by then. I have also been browsing Pinterest for ideas and have started a board -My Grey Hair Inspiration

I have been applying weekly coconut oil and lavender oil treatments. Today will be a baking soda wash with a white vinegar rinse this will clarify and remove any old hair product.


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Pretty Twig Hair Pins

I found these darling Twig Hair Pins I think they will show off the grey\silvers.

I like the antique pewter and they come in sets of 2 or 3 from Woodland and Belle. They have bud twigs and budless twigs styles (see link above). I plan on purchasing a set of 3, 2 budless twigs in antique bronze/pewter and 1 bud twig in antique pewter. 

I am noticing a bit more of a line of demarcation but still cannot determine my natural color and still have a lot of salon color. My hair seems to be starting to turn a brassy color. I am longing for the BIG chop but know that I have to be patient!!! 

I am using Aveda Blue Malva Shampoo and Conditioner to try to make the silver sparkle and to tone down the brassy undertones not sure if it working to well. The blue malva is a purply/blueish shampoo that tones down the brass\yellows and brings up the greys or blonde if you have them.

The product looks sorta like this, couldn't find an exact photo but very colorful, the conditioner is a muted blue:

I use both the shampoo and conditioner. Some people report not to use it everyday. I do not shampoo everyday and I alternate with other shampoos I have in my bath.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Recent Haircut Preparing for the Pixie in March

I got a small trim yesterday to prepare for my BIG CHOP in March/April. I tried a new stylist at Sam Wong Salon, Frederick MD. My previous stylist was not to encouraging the last time I mentined going grey to her. So I thought I should try a new stylist Caitlin Helle. She was very positive and encouraging at the consult yesterday. She gave me ideas of ways to deal with the dreaded skunk stripe - lowlights, a semi-permanent color or just grin and bear it. I do not have alot of regrowth right now and my line of demarcation is very small. As you can see below.

Caitlin did say that she didn't think I was very grey in the back and it is normally the area the last to turn.  We just have to wait and see what my natural color will be and time will only tell that story. So now it is a waiting game.